Muhteşem Osmanlı Kafalar Game Influencer Marketing
Muhteşem Osmanlı Kafalar Game Influencer Marketing! Our influence marketing work with Turkey’s best Youtuber Kafalar for the mobile strategy game Muhteşem Osmanlı. Muhteşem Osmanlı mobile strategy game is first mobile MMORTS game that dates back to Ottoman Empire. In this game which is developed by ONEMT, an adventure towards to the middle of the fifteenth century, where the Ottoman Empire dominated the important Turkish lands and ruled the world history of the young, fearless, powerful empire. You will train your armies, make technological researches, collect resources, destroy your enemies, upgrade your castle and build strong alliances in expanding Ottoman Empire where you will play as a Lord. You should be preparing for war when your empire preparing to expand!
Players of the Muhteşem Osmanlı all over the world, will taste the thrill and excitement of medieval war experiences on their smart phones. The Turkish unique armies in the game, architecture, landscaping and castles through a remarkably vivid portrait of the Ottoman Empire will be presented to the players. With masterfully designed HD graphics, weather ecosystem to experience players sandstorm, hurricane and many other varieties of weather in Muhteşen Osmanlı game, players will find themselves in the middle of a hyper realistic war experience.