Razer Gold Duygu Köseoğlu Influencer Marketing! We made a live giveaway with Duygu Köseoğlu on Twitch.tv, one of the most used live broadcast platforms in the world. Razer’s equipment preferred by many players were also included in the draws.

We worked with Duygu Köseoğlu in our influencer marketing projects in order to announce this giveaway and contribute to the brand. The broadcast made on his Twitch.tv account took approximately 10 hours. During this period, Duygu Köseoğlu showed how Razer Gold can be used and talked about the benefits and advantages of shopping.

Viewers used the hashtag #razergold to participate in the giveaway, where 80 people won a Razer Gold award.
29,683 singular viewers were found in the broadcast realized by Duygu Köseoğlu. More than 1800 people were reached in the instant viewership.